I love axolotls, and when I was first thinking of getting one, I heard that they were illegal in some places, such as California. At first, I assumed it had to do with them being endangered in the wild. If that was the reason, I of course wouldn’t have gotten one. Yet, as I researched it further, I realized the reason was far from what I expected. So, why are axolotls illegal in California and other places?

Is it Illegal to Own an Axolotl?
No, it isn’t illegal to own an axolotl overall. However, it is illegal in some areas. This is the case for many exotic pets, so always check your area’s pet laws before buying an unusual pet.
Do Axolotls Make Good Pets?
It depends. I personally think axolotls are wonderful pets, but they’re not for everyone. They’re really cool to look at, but they can’t be handled like other pets can. So, if you’re someone who was hoping for a cuddly pet to frequently interact with, an axolotl probably isn’t for you. Yet, if you love unique pets that you can care for and admire, you might love an axolotl.
If you get an axolotl, make sure you’re doing it for the right reasons. If you’re just getting one because you think they look cool, do more research first. Make sure you know what it takes to properly care for one before deciding if an axolotl is the right pet for you.
Axolotl Illegal States
Laws are always changing, but at the time of writing this, axolotls are illegal in the following states (according to Axolotl Central):
New Jersey
Even if you don’t live in one of these states, check your state’s laws before buying an axolotl. There’s always a chance that your state could have recently changed its pet laws.
States Where You Need a Permit to Own an Axolotl
In New Mexico and Hawaii, it’s legal to own an axolotl, but only if you have a permit. Thus, you will need to fill out proper paperwork and meet certain requirements before you can own one.
The only downside is that some axolotl breeders may avoid selling axolotls in those states because of the extra work involved. For example, breeders need an import permit to ship axolotls to New Mexico, so that’s why they might not ship there.
Is it Illegal to Own an Axolotl in Canada?
There isn’t a complete ban on axolotls in Canada, but it’s illegal to own them in the following locations:
British Columbia
New Brunswick
Prince Edward Island
Winnipeg (but legal in the rest of Manitoba)
In Nova Scotia, a permit is required to own an axolotl. Axolotls should be legal in other areas of Canada, but it’s always a good idea to double check.

Why are Axolotls Illegal in California?
Many people assume axolotls are illegal in California and other places because they’re endangered. I’ll admit that I thought that too at first. Yet, that’s not the case at all. Axolotls are only endangered in the wild. They’re abundant in captivity, and the axolotls in captivity are now very different than wild axolotls, which is why they can’t be released into the wild.
The real reason axolotls are illegal in some areas is to protect native species, such as tiger salamanders. If captive axolotls end up in the wild, they likely won’t survive long, but they could breed with wild tiger salamanders, creating bizarre hybrid animals. They could also compete with native amphibians for food, causing the already decreasing amphibian population to suffer. Axolotls love to eat whatever they can find, so they can steal a lot of food from other species.
Axolotls are only native Lake Xochimilco in Mexico City. If they end up anywhere else, they’re an invasive species that harms other salamanders. Some people falsely believe that axolotls live in California because they see salamanders with gills in lakes and puddles, but those are actually the larvae of other salamander species like tiger salamanders. Most young salamanders look like axolotls, but they eventually lose their gills to become land-dwelling.
What Happens if You Illegally Own an Axolotl?
The punishment for owning an axolotl in a place where it’s illegal can vary. Most places will take your axolotl away and euthanize it to ensure it doesn’t escape and breed with wildlife. This is a heartbreaking fate for any pet owner, which is why you shouldn’t have an axolotl if your location doesn’t allow it.
Similar Pets to Axolotls
If axolotls are illegal where you live, it can seem a little disappointing at first. However, there are so many wonderful animals you can have as pets, many of which are similar to axolotls. Here are a few pets you may want to consider instead of an axolotl:
Tiger salamander
African dwarf frog
Fire belly newt
Fire-bellied toad
Fire salamander
Betta fish
The above animals either look similar to axolotls, such as tiger salamanders and fire salamanders, or have similar tank setups, such as fire belly newts and betta fish. If any of the above pets seem interesting to you, research their requirements to ensure you can give them the care they need.
Also, check to see if these pets are legal and need a permit. I don’t believe these animals commonly have restrictions as pets, but the laws are always changing, so it’s a good idea to check. After all, you wouldn’t want to become attached to a pet only to later find out that you’re not supposed to have them at all.

Frequently Asked Questions
Is it Legal to Own Wild Axolotls?
No, owning wild axolotls is illegal no matter where you live. In the wild, axolotls are critically endangered, so you cannot take them out of their natural habitat. If you want a pet axolotl, please find one at a rescue or reputable breeder.
Why are Axolotls Illegal in New Jersey?
Axolotls are illegal in New Jersey for the same reason they’re illegal in California. It’s to prevent them from breeding with tiger salamanders, a native species.
Why are Axolotls Illegal in Maine?
Like California and New Jersey, axolotls are illegal in Maine because they pose a threat to native salamander species. If they were released into the wild in Maine, they could breed with tiger salamanders and compete with them for food, making axolotls invasive.
Are Axolotls Illegal in Texas?
As of July 2024, axolotls aren’t illegal in Texas. However, you should check your local laws before getting one just in case they change.
Why Can’t Pet Axolotls Be Released into the Wild?
Pet axolotls don’t have the adaptations and survival skills needed to survive in the wild, even in their natural environment. They’re more sensitive than wild axolotls because they haven’t needed to adapt due to pollution. Also, if they’re released somewhere outside of Lake Xochimilco in Mexico, they’re invasive and pose a threat to native amphibians.
Make Sure Axolotls are Legal in Your Area Before Getting One
Now that you know why axolotls are illegal in California and other places, you know why these laws are important. Owning an axolotl can be awesome, but we shouldn’t have them as pets if it could harm native wildlife. So, always look at your location’s pet laws before bringing home an exotic pet like an axolotl. Doing so can keep wild animals safe while preventing you from experiencing heartbreak if your axolotl gets taken away.