I usually try to recommend reusable products, such as reusable shopping bags, instead of single-use plastic items. However, with dog poop bags, there aren’t really alternatives. We need dog poop bags to clean up after our dogs, and that poop needs to be disposed of. So, plastic bags seem to be the easiest option.
However, there are some dog poop bags that are better for the environment than others. There are eco-friendly and biodegradable poop bag options, which can make using them daily feel a little less wasteful. I’ve created a list of some environmentally friendly dog poop bags to choose from.
Just remember - any dog poop bag is better than none. I still see so many people not picking up after their dogs, and those people are the reason many parks aren’t dog-friendly. Please do the right thing and always pick up after your dog.

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What are Some Eco-Friendly and Biodegradable Dog Poop Bags?
There are so many poop bags available. Many dog parents simply pick the first ones they find at the store, but some are much better for the environment than others. If you’re able, please consider some of these eco friendly dog poop bags next time you run out of bags to use.
These unique dog poop bags are 100% home compostable. They’re made from renewable, plant-based materials while still being durable and leakproof. Plus, the bags are odorless and fit into all stand poop bag holders. One of my favorite things about this brand is that they donate 10% of their profits to an animal nonprofit, which is something that’s very important to me.
The peach coloring of these poop bags might seem odd, but they’re some of the most eco-friendly options out there. They’re made from corn starch and have a buttery soft texture. These odorless bags trap odor inside and are twice as thick as the average poop bag. Plus, some of their earnings go to animals in need, making them even better.
These are the dog poop bags I use the most often because they’re sold at many department stores and pet supply stores. They’re made from recycled plastic, giving a second life to over 5 million pounds of plastic that would otherwise go into landfills. These poop bags have always been durable for me, and they fit in standard poop bag holders. They can be unscented or lavender scented.
Everything about these poop bags is great for the environment. The roll is made from recycled paper and the bags are made from vegetable starches and other plant-based materials to make them compostable. These bags are strong and leak-proof while minimizing odor. They can fit in most standard poop bag holders, making them especially convenient.
These poop bags and their rolls are made from eco-friendly materials like paper and a corn starch blend. Each bag is thick and leak-proof so you don’t have to worry about making a mess when picking up poop. Each pack comes with 540 bags, and each of the 36 rolls fits in a standard poop bag holder.
Don’t be fooled by the pretty pink color of these bags (although they also come in green). They’re biodegradable poop bags for dogs that can be composted at home or at commercial facilities. They’re made 100% from recycled materials, but they’re still durable and leak-proof. They even have a floral scent to mask smelly feces.
These lavender-scented poop bags are made with 38% plant material to reduce the amount of plastic used. They’re great for picking up all types of waste due to their thickness and leak-proof capabilities. The bags are easy to separate, and each roll can fit in almost any dog poop bag holder.
Frequently Asked Questions
Are Dog Poop Bags Biodegradable?
Some dog poop bags are biodegradable, but not all of them. Look at the materials to determine. Bags made solely from plant-based materials are usually biodegradable while plastic bags aren’t.
Can Dog Poop Bags Go in Compost?
Some dog poop bags can go in the compost. Make sure the poop bag is made with biodegradable materials before composting it. Most dog poop bags are made of plastic, which isn’t compostable.
Are Earth Rated Dog Poop Bags Biodegradable?
No, Earth Rated dog poop bags don’t seem to be biodegradable or compostable, however, they’re made from recycled plastics.
How are Dog Poop Bags Made?
Dog poop bags are typically made from polyethylene resin, which is a type of plastic. However, many companies are now branching out and trying to use more eco-friendly materials instead.
When Were Dog Poop Bags Invented?
The first bags marketed as “dog poop bags” were produced in the 1980s. However, regular plastic bags were likely used to collect poop before then.
Make Sure You Always Have Environmentally-Friendly Dog Poop Bags
The world produces about 450 million tonnes of plastic per year, and much of it is wasted. Sadly, lots of plastic waste ends up littered, especially in the ocean. By using fewer single-use plastic products and switching to reusable materials when possible, we can help reduce the amount of plastic harming our planet.
Poop bags might only be a small amount of wasted plastic, but it still makes a difference. I use at least one poop bag per day for my dog, so it really adds up. Choosing eco-friendly and biodegradable dog poop bags instead of pure plastic ones is a step in the right direction. So, please consider switching to an environmentally-friendly poop bag brand if you haven’t already.